If you leave this choice off, the value of BUILD_SHARED_LIBS will be used to pick between STATIC and SHARED. For example, under Debian: molloyd@beaglebone:~/$ sudo apt-get install cmake. The solution is simple: When linking a shared library to your C application, you need to inform the GCC toolchain about the library you want to link. To build the project, first test that you have CMake installed, and if not, install it using the package manager that is used by your flavor of Linux. Also, we need to place the add_subdirectory(test) command in the root CMakeLists.txt to make our test target cmake_testapp_boost available for the main build.. by using cmakes "fetchContent" mechanism ]). If a library does not export any symbols, it must not be declared as a SHARED library. In this case, we will create a subdirectory specifically for our library. Linking against a library in your package. On Windows double click the binary to install. This command, when placed in the root CMake script, declares a subproject test that has its own CMakeLists.txt.. After reloading the changes in both CMakeLists.txt files, CLion creates a Run/Debug configuration for the cmake_testapp . You can make use of them in your CMake project without having to re-write their build scripts. This guide and the complete example source code can be found in the Help/guide/importing-exporting directory of the CMake source code tree. Basically you need to create two library targets for both static and shared build and tweak the config.cmake to for users to choose from them. The idea is to try and help understand exactly what each part of a CMakeLists.txt file does and why it is needed. CMake can be hard to figure out. (I'm targeting Windows and Mac) Let's assume we have a CMake project that depends on an non-CMake built dynamically shared library called LibImagePipeline. Instead, CMake provides a find module to use Boost in CMake. An example being /usr/local for UNIX based platforms. Here's a small example of a library that uses Boost in its headers and therefore wishes to have its clients setup those directories as well: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 set (TARGET_NAME cool_lib) add_library ($ {TARGET_NAME} STATIC cool_feature.cpp cool_feature.hpp) target_include_directories ($ {TARGET_NAME} INTERFACE $ {CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) I only found 3 cases: FindGSL.cmake assumes the DLL is in the same folder as the lib, so it just does a string replace ".lib" ".dll" FindGTest.cmake just sets the IMPORTED_IMPLIB property, and ignores the IMPORTED_LOCATION entirely. Second, could you provide a few versions of a working github version of this?. CMake Installation Head over to CMake download page and get a binary for your operating system, e.g. The configurations will be set in the file config.hpp.in which will be preprocessed to config_impl.hpp and included by config.hpp. CPack is a powerful, easy to use, cross-platform software packaging tool distributed with CMake. This is basically intended as a series of reminders to help me remember how to use CMake cmake --build . Say you have file1.cpp, file2.cpp, main.cpp. The second project will use the generated package. For building, the .so or .dll file and header files are downloaded to a location inside the build folder (i.e. For example, if boost library is a requirement for your project here is how you would structure your CMakeLists.txt file: cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.8)project . For this program, we have one library (MyLibExample) with a header file and a source file, and one application, MyExample, with one source file. # enter your project directory $ cd myproject # it is always a good idea to not pollute the source with build files # so create a new build directory $ mkdir build $ cd build # run cmake and make $ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. $ make # if you have tests, then the following $ ctest This has worked well for us on Linux and MacOS. Building an executable. CMake library example that can be found using find_package (). This CMakeLists.txt will build a static library and the two binaries that depend on it. I love CMake, but unfortunately, its documentation is more focused on completeness than on providing hands-on-examples. On Linux run the binary from a terminal. Search the paths specified by the PATHS option or in the short-hand version of the command. You only need to change the project name, and add the files that need to be compiled in foo/CMakeLists.txt. Linking against libraries built by other ROS packages. Liquidify 4 years ago First, thank you. As at first I ran CMake with default generator, it was using Unix Makefiles (which is the default one on some systems, such as Mac OS).And for a long time I couldn't understand why, even though I . The special INTERFACE library lets you declare a header-only library as a proper CMake target, and then use it like any other library. We'll develop the shared library in the C programming language and generate the build environment with the help of CMake. Exercise 1 - Creating a Library To add a library in CMake, use the add_library () command and specify which source files should make up the library. CMakeLists Examples. The documentation refer to a number of variables used by CMake, but I'm struggling to work out which ones to use when. Rather than placing all of the source files in one directory, we can organize our project with one or more subdirectories. Listing 1 shows the CMake file for a CUDA example called "particles". Update: now using modern cmake (version >= 3.9), since commit 46f0b93. Keep that in mind. More details in the following article. FindCheck.cmake uses find_library to locate the library, the library path is successfully found: -- Found CHECK: /usr/lib . If the library is an open-source project, consider sending a patch. . Building a library with CMake This example shows how to build a library with CMake. cmake version 2.8.9. Having it, if you now try to find your package in external project ( cmake-library-example/external-project/CMakeLists.txt) like this: find_package (SomeLibrary 0.9.2 CONFIG REQUIRED) Note that you typically do not list header files here. FindHDF5.cmake Example. CMake provides a collection of find modules for third-party libraries. Since I found it hard to find a comprehensive example of how a header-only library can be set up, I decided to provide an example of a CMakeLists.txt file for such a library here and analyze it line by line. The root CMakeLists.txt defines configuration options and adds the subdirectories. Preinstall target. These libs cannot be bundled with my project so it must be supplied by the system/user somehow. On a Debian or Ubuntu based distribution, you can install all these packages with the following commands: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install cmake sudo apt-get install build-essential gdb sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev. It uses the generators concept from CMake to abstract package generation on specific platforms. For example, cool_library in the Makefile in the previous section is generated from the source files boring_source2.cpp and boring_source3.cpp, so we would have something like add_library (cool_library STATIC boring_source1.cpp boring_source2.cpp). What do you need Importing Targets . Shared library files usually have .dll (Windows), .so (Linux), or .dylib (macOS) extensions. $ ./src/example_exe Hello, world! To compile this code, you must have g++, CMake, and libusb-1.0-dev installed on the machine. The first project will create and install a library and corresponding CMake configuration and package files. Example, I have a project where I need external libraries. Unsurprisingly, we will look at a very similar setup in this post. CMake is a cross-platform open-source tool for defining the build process for native applications independently of compilers and environments. Let's start with an example of building CUDA with CMake. While CMake enjoys increasing interest, there are still plenty of libraries using native build systems like Unix Makefiles. The regular CMake way: mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make -j ./cmake-library-example Building with pre-built foo You can check out my blog post, CMake_OpenCV_And_UnitTests, to find an example on how to use target_link_libraries. The idea is that you build modules in CMake, and link them together. You can also build a specific target if you run cmake --build . build <-- The $ {PROJECT_BINARY_DIR} or build . It can be used to support multiple native build environments including make, Apple's xcode and Microsoft Visual Studio. Let's look at Boost for an example. Linking against an external library. These are typically hard-coded guesses. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8 FATAL_ERROR) project(cmake_and_cuda LANGUAGES CXX CUDA) include(CTest) add_library(particles STATIC randomize.cpp randomize.h Given a C++ source file main.cpp defining a main() function, an accompanying CMakeLists.txt file (with the following content) will instruct CMake to generate the appropriate build instructions for the current system and default C++ compiler. Report it as a bug to third-party library authors if a library does not support clients to use CMake. Building a library. Making a library Making a library is done with add_library, and is just about as simple: add_library(one STATIC two.cpp three.h) You get to pick a type of library, STATIC, SHARED, or MODULE. CMake will make sure to first build test before linking it to myapp. I have provided the full code for this example on Github. CMAKE_SYSTEM_LIBRARY_PATH CMAKE_SYSTEM_FRAMEWORK_PATH The platform paths that these variables contain are locations that typically include installed software. FindCheck.cmake uses find_library Hello, I am trying to reuse existing FindCheck.cmake module in my project. On Linux, you can also install the packages from the distribution's package manager. Packaging With CPack. The library, the examples and the tool each has their own CMakeLists.txt defining the target and related code in their subdirectory. The write_basic_package_version_file () function from above will create SomeLibraryConfigVersion.cmake file in the install folder. For example, a Python, Java, C# or Object Pascal application can use a shared library developed in C. In this article, I'll show you how you can create your own shared library. Here we go, AnotherLibrary wasn't packed this time. This article provides an introduction to CMake through a series of examples to help you, as VC++ developers, to create and maintain CMake projects. --target <target_name> , for example: cmake --build . .github external-project internal-project .gitignore LICENSE README.md README.md CMake library example An example CMake project to demonstrate creating and linking to a C++ library. Where the library name is the name of the shared library, minus the first lib part and minus the .so file extension. Windows, Linux, or Mac OS X. Including external libraries using other build systems. # CMake instructions to make the static lib ADD_LIBRARY ( MyStaticLib STATIC Structure.c ) # CMake instructions to test using the static lib SET ( APP_EXE StaticTest ) ADD_EXECUTABLE ( $ {APP_EXE} Main.c ) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES ( $ {APP_EXE} MyStaticLib ) And then here is the output from running it: cmake Build Targets Libraries Example # To create an build target that creates an library, use the add_library command: add_library (my_lib lib.cpp) The CMake variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS controls whenever to build an static ( OFF) or an shared ( ON) library, using for example cmake .. -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON. The file is split into two parts: the first part finds the library and include files on your system, according to some prescribed rule; the second part populates and exports the CMake targets for users to include. Building a library and an executable that uses it. add_executable() tells CMake that we want to build an executable (so not a library) called helloworld as a target. The example is taken from SI, a . The target should be built from the C++ source file main.cpp.. molloyd@beaglebone:~/$ cmake -version. CMake Examples Introduction. For example, Boost doesn't support CMake. However, it appears that Ubuntu, for instance, provides only static libcheck.a library in the system package. Fitting Google Test Into A CMake Typical Project - The Big Picture Firstly, let's look at an example of a typical C++ project. This is because CMake expects a SHARED library to always have an associated import library on Windows. CMake v3.5+ A c++ compiler (defaults to gcc) make Installation on Ubuntu The easiest way to install the above on Ubuntu is as follows $ sudo apt-get install build-essential $ sudo apt-get install cmake Some specific examples may require other tools including: boost $ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev protobuf This is a simple yet complete example of a proper CMakeLists. : In reality, unless used, global symbols in static libraries may be optimized out by the linker. This is different from qmake, where header files need to be explicitly listed so that they are processed by the Meta-Object Compiler (moc). Let's ignore header files for now, as they can be all included in your source files. main.cpp (C++ Hello World Example) It can be used with or without CMake, but it may depend on some software being installed on the system. Features The main advantage of this example is that it is auto-generated . So for example the boost configuration is in the path CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH/boost-1_50/boost-config.cmake In that configuration you can set variables. You do this with linker flag: -l<library name>. Building a C/C++ unit test (gtest) Adding compile / link flags. This clearly shows how CMAKE_STD_LIBRARY cmstd is built. . . --target example_exe You'll find the executable in <your-build-dir>/src/ directory or <your-build-dir>/Debug/src if you're using Visual Studio to build the project. CMake will (at least on windows) search for those configuration files in CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH/<<package_name>>-<<version>>/<<package_name>>-config.cmake (which can be set through an environment variable). : For sake of simplicity, in this article I am not covering C++20 modules, link-time optimization, or import libraries. CMake is a cross-platform open-source meta-build system which can build, test and package software. For example, say your project defines a library with some common code and an executable that uses the functions inside the library. However, if we build this project on Linux, the library will be named liblibminisat.a, because CMake knows that library files on Linux are prefixed with lib as a convention, and it tries to be helpful. # Almost all CMake files should start with this # You should always specify a range with the newest # and oldest tested versions of CMake. Modern CMake Examples Overview This repository is a collection of as simple as possible CMake projects (with a focus on installing ). For example, a Windows resource DLL or a managed C++/CLI DLL that exports no unmanaged symbols would need to be a MODULE library. You add them to your project with: ADD_LIBRARY (LibsModule file1.cpp file2.cpp ) Now you added them to a module called LibsModule. The library, foo, can either be built from source or distributed pre-built. First, we add two lines to Versions.cmake: set (BOOST_VERSION "1.53.0") set (BOOST_HASH "SHA256=CED7CE2ED8D7D34815AC9DB1D18D28FCD386FFBB3DE6DA45303E1CF193717038") Building with foo from source This is the default. Sadly, CPACK_COMPONENTS_ALL (and other useful CPack variables) can be set only on project configuration, not on cpack run.
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